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Save time, compare up to 5 Commercial Trucking Insurance quotes. Fast, Secure & Free !
We provide competitive quotes from leading commercial trucking and transportation insurance companies. Here are the most popular insurance products for trucking businesses:

Truck Liability insurance: A costly part of your trucking business insurance. Protects you from damage or injuries to other people as a result of truck accidents. This coverage is mandated by the State and Federal agencies. They require a form of proof to be sent to them.

Motor Truck Cargo Insurance: protects you in the event of damaged or lost freight. Usually done by contract, bill of lading disclosure, or by published tariffs.

Workers Compensation: It is mandated by the government that you maintain a workers compensation policy for your employees. It protects you against liability to your workers for their injuries sustained while on the job.

Transportation Operations Insurance - you may need this coverage if your operations involve LTL or P&D work.

Other popular policies are: Bonds for fuel taxes and motor carrier authority, Pollution Liability & Hazardous Materials.

Trucking insurance policies can be purchases in package or separately. Using our service, you will be able to match your coverage needs with top insurance companies, as well as to meet the regulatory requirements. Get quotes and advice from trucking insurance specialists and select the policy that's right for you.

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